A lot has been happening! Getting ready for baby girl to make her appearance here in less than 5 weeks! Last weekend we went to Sarah’s wedding in Austin! It was gorgeous! She was GORGEOUS! I was fat with swollen ankles, but I couldn’t really help that!
My 3 little girlies at work just started Summer vacation yesterday! 22 full days with them until my maternity leave begins! I hope I am able to plan some fun things for us to do, but the waddling has begun!
This weekend, Christopher is out of town in New Orleans for his cousin Matt’s ordination to Priesthood! We are so proud of him! I wish I could have gone! Hallie and Stella and I have been just hanging our here nesting. Laundry, cleaning out closets and today, Joyce and I are finishing up the letters for her room! 🙂
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