I am so sorry sweet second child of mine. I am always behind on your updates. The picture was taken on time, however between virtual school and chasing after you, updating this little corner of cyberspace has been hard to get to. Also, please don’t ask me about your baby book.
Almost a month ago you turned 18 months and you are just so much fun! You are silly and snugly. You love to help and will exclaim “On it!” anytime we ask you to do something for us. It is my favorite thing ever. “Elise, can you bring me your cup?” “On it!”” “Sweets, can you help Momma clean up this mess?” “On it!” It warms my heart how helpful you are.
In other news, you are finally on the weight charts! HUGE Hoorah! Here’s what 18 (almost 19 months) looks like for sweet Elise Claire.
Age- 18 months
- Weight- 18 lbs 1 1/2 oz which is BARELY on the charts, but I will take it! For reference, Hallie was 18 lb 8 oz (So yay! You are catching up!)
- Length- 30 1/4 inches. For reference Hallie was (32 inches) Looks like Elise will be shorter like her Momma.
- Size- Just like sister at this age, we mix and match sizes of clothes depending on style of clothing and brand. Mostly she is wearing 12 month pajamas, 9-12 month clothing with some 6 month stuff mixed in. The other day though she was wearing a 3-6 month outfit still so there is really no rhyme or reason to sizing. We are in size 3 diapers though.
- Eyes- Jury is still out on eye color. They still appear grey mainly. Sometimes brown. We are getting checked next month for astigmatism though. Anyone deal with this with their littles?
- Hair- She is our little blonde girl! Momma likes to call her “Sister Golden Hair”
- Teeth- 11! We have started to get molars! Poor thing sometimes wakes up chewing on her hand and seems in pain.
- Sleeping- She is a night owl and it takes her a while to give up the ghost. She usually is out by 9, and sleeps until 7 and we get a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.
- Eating- Girlfriend loves her milk and will request “Milky” First thing in the morning and at bedtime like clockwork. She still eats everything. Favors cheese, fruit (blueberries and “Apple-oss”/Applesauce), Daddy’s BBQ, and Avocado. She is obsessed with “FRIES” and refuses to eat anything else if they are on her plate. Anything sweet is a “Coo-kie” which she will ask for “PEEEEESE!”
- Milestones- Talking a ton! Lots of phrases, small sentences and has over 150 words for sure (That’s when I stopped counting anyway) She says all the characters of Mickey Mouse, loves frozen and can sing a lot of the songs. She can say her name and age. Can identify 2 objects, counting “1, 2” She can say several animal names and make their sounds. She especially loves the “Babee Bunny” that hopped into Daddy’s store. She climbs on everything…seriously everything! Understands feelings and is very in tune with everyone’s. She can say “sorry” and will even apologize for sissy sometimes.
- Memorable outings- Not many thanks to Covid. We did recently take the girls to a drive through zoo which she loved. She cracked up at the camel that drank from Hallie’s water bottle. She also loved the donkey’s and screamed “Donkeeee” The whole way home.
- Favorite toys/activities- Enjoys coloring, painting and playdoh. Loves stuffed animals, the princess castle, dress up Minnie and Daisy, the dollhouse, blocks, cups, etc. She loves her blanket and will request “Bankee” for nap and bedtime. Really enjoys books. Enjoys playing with Sister’s horses and Frozen toys. She loves music and dancing. She loves to sing too! Especially Mickey songs and the music from Frozen. Sister is her favorite person ever and she makes her crack up! She wants to do everything Hallie does. She loves Stella and other animals. Sweet girl will ask to be tickled. Absolutely loves to cuddle and be kissed and hugged. Especially first thing in the morning. She needs her cuddles like Momma needs coffee!
- Words/sounds- Like I said, SOOO many!! Here are some of my recent favorites: “Daddy’s Home!” “See, baby Bunny, PEESE!” When Hal rides her scooter, she will exclaim “GOOO Sissy!” When she says Mickey Mouse, she will draw out the OU in “Mouse” but make sure to add the S at the end. It is hilarious! Says her food is “Nummy Nummy”
- Nicknames-Peanut or Peanut Butter, Chicky, Sweets, E or E-Claire.
- Funny moments- Sometimes if you ask her a question she’ll say, “Hmm,Umm” and tap her chin. If Hallie is in another room, she will yell “Anne” or “Sissy Anne”. We were playing chalk on the driveway and she started walking to the back gate. I told her to come back and she told me “Busy, Bye” She insists every house needs a dog. Especially my Dads. She will say “Bapa House, Dog Peese”, Sometimes I tell her “I’m going on an Elise hunt” and start creeping toward her. She squeals, laughs and runs to be caught. The other day she got down low like she was creeping and said “Go Sissy Hunt!” it was so cute!
- Looking forward to- Leaving the house and having experiences with her again! Hopeful we can somewhat normally celebrate these upcoming Holidays with her because it is so magical at this age! Halloween, Christmas, etc.