I do not understand how a year can fly by so quickly! We are (Less than) one month away from your 1st birthday sweet Elise and I just don’t know how it happened!
Age- 11 months
- Weight- We were excused from a weight check this month, but if I were to guess about 14.5
- Length- No check this month
- Size- Size 2 Diapers. I Just pulled out 9 month clothes, so we are wearing a mix of 6 month and 9 month clothes. 6 Month still fits perfectly, but we had a lot of winter 9 month clothing for Hal, so its nice that I didn’t have to buy anything new…poor 2nd kid!
- Eyes- Grey
- Hair- She is our little blonde girl! She is finally getting more hair too!
- Sleeping- 10-11 hours at night, and during the day Starting to give up naps except for in the car. With Sister I had such a set schedule but this kid just naps on and off all day. I usually get one solid nap out of her.
- Eating- 22 oz a day, though we are really uninterested in formula. However, girlfriend LOVES solids. She eats and loves everything! Eggs, Peanut butter, yogurt, veggies, meat, fruit, cheese! We did finally find a food she dislikes…beans. Of all things! She eats more than sister!
- Milestones- Mimicking everything we say! She is cruising a ton and can stand alone for a few seconds at a time. She still adds new words almost ever day!
- Memorable outings-First Christmas!
- Favorite toys/activities- She is OBSESSED with looking at photos of her family. Especially ones of sister. Dolls and stuffed animals. Especially Olaf and her Puppies! LOVES the bath. She likes her walker and Baby shark. Enjoys the princess castle! She wants remotes phones and all of sisters toys much to her dismay. She likes her toy phone and laptop and LOVES being read to. Especially Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Baby Giggles and animal books!. She loves music and dancing with Momma. She is starting to dance on her own too! She loves music! “This is Big”. Loves the baby shark song, pat-a-cake, head and shoulders and I’m a little teapot. Sister is her favorite person ever and she makes her crack up! She loves Stella and other animals. Mommy plays Rolly Polly with her which makes her laugh. Absolutely loves to cuddle and be kissed and hugged.
- Words/sounds- Momma, Dada, Haha-Hallie, Hi, Hey, Bye Bye, A Dog, more, all done, up, woof, pup, night night, nom nom, stella, good girl, stinky toes, again, no, Oh!, uh oh, eyes-while poking you in the eye, yes, hat, BOO! . She also pretends to sing! She can actually kind of sing to baby shark saing “Doo Doo”
- Nicknames-Peanut or Peanut Butter, Chicky, E or E-Claire, Sweets
- Funny moments- She will grab her head and shake it as if to say “You’re making me crazy!” She has serious FOMO especially with food. One night she was (I thought) asleep in Christopher’s arms. I went to open a chocolate kiss and she heard the wrapper, sat straight up opening her mouth wide like a baby bird! She’s a camera hog! Loves looking at herself in the camera and also pictures of loved ones. This one is more scary than funny….girlfriend can get out of anything. One day I had her strapped into her highchair while I was cooking dinner. I turned to flip the chicken I was cooking and when I turned back around her was sitting on top of the tray with one leg over the side! I almost had a heart attack! That little Houdini now requires 24/7 supervision even when strapped into something!
- Looking forward to- Celebrating her birthday and watching her go to town on her smash cake!
Sweets you are the silliest happiest little girl who loves to laugh and smile. Though hearing no breaks your little heart and you give me the saddest fat lip I have ever seen! You love your family something fierce and Momma is LOVING watching your little personality shine! 11 months is bittersweet has you transition from babe to toddler. You’re so loving though and even the busier you get, you are always still up for a cuddle! I love you so!