Didn’t I JUST write Elise’s 7 month update? Somehow another month has passed. Elise Claire you are now 8 months and time is just flying by!
- Age- 8 months
- Weight- 12 lb 9.5 oz
- Length- not checked
- Size- Size 2 Diapers though they are still very roomy. Onesies and shirts-3 month with some 6 month mixed in. Pants- We are sort of in Limbo- She is starting to outgrow size 3 in length but anything else is WAY too big PJs-mostly 6 month or 3-6 month
- Eyes- Grey
- Hair- Coming in Blonde or maybe strawberry blonde
- Sleeping- Really well! 10-11 hours at night and during the day she naps a lot. With Sister I had such a set schedule but this kid just naps on and off all day. I usually get one solid nap out of her.
- Eating- 24 oz a day, though we are really uninterested in formula. However, girlfriend LOVES solids. She eats and loves everything! Eggs, Peanut butter, yogurt, veggies, meat, fruit, cheese! We did finally find a food she dislikes…beans. Of all things! She eats more than sister!
- Milestones- Cruising around, she’s waving and saying Hi and Bye Bye. She adds new words almost ever day!
- Memorable outings- First Pumpkin Patch trip and First time traveling out of state! She went with me and my aunt Jane to visit my cousin Karley in Missouri!
- Favorite toys/activities- Dolly and stuffed animals. Enjoys stacking cups and bath toys. She wants remotes phones and all of sisters toys much to her dismay. She likes her toy phone and laptop and LOVES being read to. Especially Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Baby Giggles. She loves music and dancing with Momma. She loves storytime and the songs we do there, especially “This is Big”. Sister is her favorite person ever and she makes her crack up! She loves Stella and other animals but calls them all “A-Dog!” Mommy plays Rolly Polly with her which makes her laugh. Absolutely loves to cuddle and be kissed and hugged.
- Words/sounds- Momma, Dada, Haha-Hallie, Hi, Hey, Bye Bye, A Dog.
- Nicknames-Peanut or Peanut Butter, E or E-Claire
- Funny moments- Loves when Mommy sniffs her and pretends she is stinky! She also covers us in the sweetest open mouth kisses. She is scared of balls!
- Looking forward to- savoring each and every moment! They are going too too fast! Also can’t wait to celebrate her first Halloween!!
Peanut Butter you are the happiest baby and always so sweet natured! You have the biggest smile and most precious giggle! I am going to miss these days that you love being held and snuggled! I love you so and can’t believe that time can pass so quickly!