Elise Claire, how the heck are you 1/2 a year old? It has been the quickest 6 months I have ever experienced!
We had a little half birthday celebration for her with confetti and party blowers and she was so happy! She is the most smiley happy baby ever! I just couldn’t love her more! Here is all about our sweet girl.
- Age- 6 months
- Weight- 11lb 2.5 oz. She is smaller than Hallie at the same age. For a comparison at 6 months Hallie was 11 lb 13 oz. The doctor really wants us to push more calories on her.
- Length- 24 3/4 in long. Just our little string bean!
- Size- She is mostly in 3 month clothes with a few 6 month items mixed in. Though we do wear 6 month pajamas for length. She is wearing size 1 diapers. We started using Hello Bello diapers, wipes and bath products and we are in LOVE! They fit great and are so soft!
- Eyes- The jury is still out! They appear a gray blue, though I am not holding my breath for a blue eyed girl. Hallie’s stayed blue for so long and they eventually turned dark. Though her Memi thinks they might be green, which I would love!
- Hair- Light brown, and getting lighter. Especially her eyebrows. Much lighter than sisters at this age. It’s actually almost becoming strawberry blonde maybe? She also has much less of it than Hallie. Her bald spot is starting to fill in!
- Sleeping- She is still sleeping great this month. Usually 8:30- 6:15 when I wake the kids to get Hallie ready for school. She would sleep later if she could of course and takes at least 2 long naps a day.
- Eating- We are still fortifying my breast milk with formula to get her some more calories each feeding and it’s working! She usually takes about 4-5 oz every 3 hours. I use the Dr Brown’s pitcher to mix breast milk and formula in each morning and it works great! I just started weaning so pretty soon she will be on strictly formula which hopefully will help her pack on the pounds! She has tried several foods and loved everything she has tried! She is such an eater and could care less about milk!
- Milestones- Eating a ton of foods. Sitting up by herself. Pretty close to crawling. She does a downward dog motion and falls forward. She also rocks back and forth on all 4s. Also she has a few words down: Mama, Dada, Baba. She calls Hallie Haha! Which is precious!
- Memorable outings- Taking sister to Kindergarten.
- Looking Forward to- Honestly I wish time would just stand still! She is so much fun! Of course looking forward to Each and every day!
- Favorites- Girlfriend loves toys! Has a favorite dolly and blanket. We recently gave her a pop up toy which she enjoys. She puts everything in her mouth and loves food! Loves danccing with Mommy, laughing at Hallie, and signing with Daddy. We also play a game called “Rolly Polly” which makes her burst out in giggles. She is just a little dolly.