Archives for August 2014
Friday Fun: Blogmopolitan Quiz!
I have been meaning to post pictures of Hallie’s nursery for some time now! My sweet Aunt Jane came just a few weeks after Hallie was born to take pictures of Hallie and the nursery, and I have yet to share them! So here we go! She wasn’t being very cooperative that day, so here are the best ones mixed with a few I have taken as well

What’s in my Bag?
I have watched so many other bloggers dump their bags and purses and each time I am itching to see what other mommies carry with them on a daily basis! So I finally decided to dump my diaper bag and give you a look as to what is on the inside!
First off, when I decided to do this, I kept thinking about this scene from HIMYM and couldn’t stop giggling!
So First, you may already remember my bag, from this post:
It is an older design that I found new on ebay.
The Coach Peyton collection diaper bag can be found Here.
I love it for SO many reasons!!! But my top 2:
1. It is purple
2. It has a TON of pockets!
Don’t believe me? Check out all the things I can jam inside!
First off are my basics…the things I need no matter where I go, diaper bag or not!
1. My Juicy Wallet…it’s a little old, but one of my favorite things Christopher gave me while we were still dating. You can still get one here.
2. As you can see I am a big fan of Ebay…I bought my Juicy Sunnies when they were brand new from the Juicy store, probably 8 years ago. About 4 years ago I lost them and was super sad because it is hard to find Sunglasses with a good fit for my teeny head…so I went on Ebay and bought the same exact pair…only me, I know! Now it’s coming time for replacement again….and I CANT FIND THEM! 🙁 Still unsure what I will do!
3. My keys…duh!
4. Chapstick…another necessity
5. Travel Tissues…I work with little kiddos and you have no idea how many times one of them has sneezed a huge snot bomb and I am scrambling to find a Starbucks napkin or something….these are a must
6. Bath and Body Works Hand sanitizer…see number 5!
7. An extra blanket. This one is from Target, and though Hallie is not a fan of being swaddled in it, it’s perfect to lay on the floor for her to play on whether I am at work or a friend’s house
8. A toy…Freddie the Firefly is our favorite right now because it is black and white on the back and Hallie loves the contrast.
9. A book…My girls at work just love to read to Hallie, so I always have a book on hand. Love this Sandra Boynton one….love everything she writes!
10. A burp cloth…this cute one was made by one of our friends.
11. paci wipes…Hallie is really good at projectile spitting her pacifier across the room onto the floor.
12. A spare newborn onesie…yes…my tiny little baby is still in Newborn clothes and probably will be forever! This one is from an adorable 5 pack from Dillards! So cute!
13. Little Tummies Gas Drops…my poor baby has the worst gassy tummy!
14. If you are an avid reader of my Blog or know me well, you know I have an emotional attachment to my planner…and if you are a crazy organizer like me, you MUST HAVE THIS PLANNER!
15. A purple signature color
16. My cell phone charger for work…in case I am in the red
17. My business cards
19. A healthy snack
20. Changing pad, diapers and wipes. We use Pampers Sensitive Swaddlers
21. Spare Pacis…These are the only ones Hallie will take…despite all the cute ones I bought and was given.
Can you believe all of that fit in my bag?! What’s in your bag. Tell me or show me in the comments!
Meeting the Mock/Miller Clan
We had such a great weekend, despite the beginning being a little sad.
Friday Night:
We went to my Nana’s Viewing and though sad, it was lovely. Hallie got to meet my Great Aunt Paula, Nana’s sister. She is one of my favorite ladies ever!

Hallie and Memi (Christopher’s Mom)
Hallie and Taylor
The Many Faces of Hallie-O-tay!
2 months old
Hallie Anne is 2 months old today! I cannot believe my baby girl is 2 months old! She is getting so big and so smart each day! She is constantly learning and I am always amazed at the things she can do! Her neck is so strong, and she can hold her head up for almost a whole minute during tummy time! She coos and squeals and talks to her toys! She is beautiful and I still can’t believe she is mine!
Being Mommy
I was approached yesterday by one of my favorite fellow bloggers/new mommies. ( if you haven’t read it, do! She’s awesome!) She is writing an article about new moms and asked some fellow bloggers to give her experiences and thoughts we have as new Moms.
So I thought I would also share with you, my thoughts as a new mommy:
1. I have never felt more love for my husband than the moment I saw him first hold our daughter. That love grows continually each time I see him cuddle her or play with her.
2. Somehow my daughter is always cute as a button aimmaculately dressed and most days I’m a hot mess. ..sweats, a pony and no makeup is my usual mommy uniform, though it’s hard to care when I look into my daughter’s eyes.
3. People always say that being a mom is the hardest job they’ve ever had…to me it just feels natural, like it’s what I was always supposed to be doing. ..I don’t even mind the lack of sleep (most days)
4. I never slept while she slept except at night… mostly because I couldn’t stop staring at her.
5. At the end of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” when the Grinch’s heart grows 3 sizes, that’s how I felt when I saw my daughter. I’ve never experienced this kind of love before.
What are your thoughts about being a mommy?
<3 Kelly
The world lost a beautiful and incredible woman last week. My sweet Nana was sent to heaven last Thursday. I will always remember her as someone kind and funny! She was a wonderful cook and gardener! She had so many talents and taught me so much!
Here are some memories of my sweet Italian grandmother that have been floating around in my head since Thursday:
- Visiting her from El Paso (where I lived as a child) each Summer. She took me to swimming lessons and I got to help her in her garden and in the kitchen.
- She used to tie up my hair in ribbons and brush it at night before bed. She would tell me to take off my head before I went to sleep at night and I wouldn’t wake up with tangles…ha! What seemed strange to me as a child I now see as witty and adorable! She was always so funny!
- She made homemade salad dressing, pasta sauce, chicken noodle soup, chicken cutlets, cream puffs and so many more delicious recipes that as hard as I try to imitate, will never taste the same.
- She through the BEST Christmas parties! The tree was trimmed perfectly and the dinner was fabulous! Her Christmas cookies were the best I’d ever tasted!
- She sat down to do her rosary every afternoon, and sometimes fell asleep. She must have found it so peaceful
- She would set the table for breakfast every night before bed. Pink place mats and coffee mugs. Including a plastic one for me for my cafe ole (milk and a teeny bit of coffee)
- She would dip my cinnamon toast in her coffee.
- Her cinnamon sugar was always pre-mixed in a little jar
- She would make paper “typewriters” for us kids while we colored at her kitchen table
- She taught me the “Nut tree” song and “On the corner Main Street” which I now sing to Hallie
- She always came to dance recitals, graduations, and school events
Must Have Monday-Back to School
This coming Monday, my little girls will be going back to school! This is actually the first year that I won’t be going back myself, which is exciting, however I will miss my favorite thing ever….BUYING SCHOOL SUPPLIES!